CGM Marketing Machine

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Reviews - Testimonials

Turn great customer experiences into glowing reviews

90% of consumers read online reviews before buying

Customer Voice gives you the power to gather customer experiences, boost your star power, and shine in front of consumers who are doing research about your business

Collect feedback faster than ever

You're a few clicks away from gathering feedback from the customers that interact with your business. Customer Voice helps you easily understand the success of your service.

Use happy customers to win more business

Leverage the voice of your brand champions to improve online word-of-mouth. Invite existing customers to share their experiences online so new customers know they can trust you.

Who needs customer reviews?

Local businesses. While over 90% of consumers use reviews to make buying decisions, review marketing remains an underutilized aspect of a local business’s digital marketing efforts*. This means potential consumers are passing over the businesses that can’t show consistent, timely, and positive reviews. Asking for reviews that appear on a popular and optimized review site will have your business—and your customers—seeing stars! Here is just one example of the power of asking for customer reviews. 

Try For Free Now

Reach customers wherever they are 

Customer Voice gives you the flexibility to request reviews over text message or email.

Shine in local search 

Maximize the SEO benefits of positive customer experiences. Gathering authentic reviews will help you show up in search so new customers can find you.

Build a presence across the top review sites 

Make sure your business reviews show up where your customers spend the most time. Focus on collecting feedback on the review sites that impact your business.

Customizable templates for your brand 

Your feedback requests look the way you want, under your brand


Businesses should have the ability to...

Request feedback from their customers

Participate in online conversations about their business

Ask customers for reviews online, and address negative feedback offline

Schedule Consultation

How does Customer Voice work?

Manage All Of Your Reviews In One Place


Collect phone number or email

  • Customer visits business


One at a time or in bulk 

  • Upload customer information
  • Send SMS or Email review request


Follow up email is sent if no review is left 

  • Customer leaves review


Watch review volume and star rating grow!

  • Business shines in local search!

Customer Voice Will Help You Generate Consistent Flow Of New Reviews

Add customers in bulk to save time

Manage Customers

  • Import a bulk csv file or add customers one at a time
  • Include phone number or email address
  • Add a tag to help classify the customer
  • Keep on top of the status of the review request

Send email or SMS review requests

Manage Templates

  • Create 1 email templates
  • Include a link to preferred
  • review site
  • Customize templates to
  • suit your brand messaging

Get stats on your sent review requests

View Insights

See how your requests are performing. Track:

  • Number of review requests sent
  • Click through rates
  • Request status in real time

Collect reviews conveniently on your website

Widget Setup & Preview

  • Customize the widget to suit your branding
  • Embed on your website using HTML code

Express VS. Pro

Features Customer Voice Express Customer Voice Pro
Ability to create customers Unlimited Unlimited
Ability to send email review requests 15 per month Unlimited
Ability to bulk send review requests
Sync Customer List in Business Center with Customer Voice
Customize and display the Review Widget and Email Signature Widget
Sources synced with Reputation Management Express and Pro Google, Facebook, MyListing
Customize and save review request templates 1 40
Access to purchasing SMS add-ons
Send automated follow-up email to customers who haven't reviewed
Send from a customized email domain
Daily Digest emails + Executive Report
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